Face ID or Touch ID users – getting a new password
If you are usually using Face ID or Touch ID to log in to the app, it’s easy to forget the password. If you are still able to open the app with Face ID or Touch ID, you can create a new password under the Settings in your S-pushTAN-App without any need for the old password:
Open the S-pushTAN-App and go to -> Profile -> Settings -> Change password
Sparkassen-Card (debit card) – card number
At some stage during this process, you will be asked to enter your Sparkassen-Card (debit card) number. This number can be found on the rear of your card.
Online banking login details
Resetting the App Sparkasse will delete all of the app data and settings: your username or login ID and online banking PIN.
Before starting the guide and setting up the App Sparkasse again, you will first have to reset it.
You can easily reset the App Sparkasse by entering an incorrect password three times.You will then be given the option to reset the app. Click on “Reset App Sparkasse” and confirm your choice by clicking on “Reset app now”.
The app will then reset itself to its factory settings. This will delete all of the app data and settings. Note: Resetting the app does not involve updating or downloading a new version of the app from the relevant store, but just resetting the existing version.
iOS users will be prompted to restart and Android users shown a button for restarting the app.
Please follow these step-by-step instructions to set the app up again.
Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.
Instructions in other languagesYou can find tutorials in the following languages: english, español, français, türkçe, Polski, Česky, Italiano, Русский, Українська, Български, română and اللغة العربية.
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